We have tricked and got bags full of treats
and this the is picture of my little witch – she is a
good witch you have to understand, Caitlin
insisted she would only be a witch if she was good
Becca was a zombie !!- she is having a much better week she won the fancy dress competition at the school party and the halloween art contest down at the local leisure center, she is so excited because all the schools in town entered.
We have also got a little visitor her name (for the time being) is Meg she is a little black kitten that followed us home from the school halloween party I have reported it to the vets but to be honest she is gorgeous and we are all ready smitten and even Mog has excepted her to a certain extent (if she would stop biting his tail he would be happier !!) I am off to trawl the boards and see what is what and off to my bed as I am a tired out Mum !!Β Posted by Picasa

Hanging with the cool kids !!

Since when do I do that ?? – here I am exchange mail with a “big” name in the scrapping industry (and a lovely lady too I might add!) and discussing the ins and outs of publishing and the like with people with loads more experience than I have and there is a little voice in my head saying – “what the hell are you doing ?? You are well out of your league missy – you are just some housewife in your scraproom and barely a name for yourself !!” and there is another voice saying ” Why the hell not – after all if I want to be more (and I do ) shouldn’t I get out there and make myself know !! ” I am not sure which voice is winning right now LOL
I am going to relax tonight – we are heading to a hallowe’en party the girls and me and I have my trusty camera at the ready for the cute costumes πŸ™‚
I am glad Becca seems to be calming down too – her appoinment has been set for 6 weeks time and she is coming to terms with it all she seems better knowing when they plan on doing it.

In my attempt to grow in my scrapping I have gone over to the darkside and finally done a 8.5 x 11 and I liked it !! I liked it a lot- I may have to do it again !!

The peas made me do it ! LOL

I have come to a decision – I am going to make a concerted effort to bring my scrapping to a higher level , no more moaning about it , if I want more I have to do more than moan- so things I am going to do include properly sorting out all the calls I wish to do, designing a resume and contacting my favorite company and tell them that I would love to design for them and to keep me in mind πŸ™‚ As for the housework I have joined flylady and the house is clean so that is sorted and the kiddies are happy – life is getting sorted πŸ™‚
Also I managed to get some scrapping done this weekend with my new dirty laundry papers which I am loving !

I am a worried Mum at the moment – my eldest is having a lot of troubles , she was born with extra holes in her ears called pre-auricular sinuses and they get infected and that means she has to go into hospital, she is to have an operation on them in Decemeber and we have found out that linked to the sinuses she has teeth problems – she has already has had braces for a year to help her jaw grow but now her adult teeth at the back are missing and will never grow and her babies are sinking into her gum – she has been so good at looking after them she has never had a filling or any decay but if they sink they will cause all sorts of problems and they have to come out 😦 which means more operations and pain – my poor girl she is being so brave about it all and I am so worried about her.
I mean look at her beautiful face I don’t want people cutting into it and hurting her 😦
Not a good day today.

Yay me – I finally figured out how to change my header and have me a new banner at the top – thanks to Lindsay Teague from 2 peas – her instructions were fab , now if only I could scrap like her too πŸ™‚

Location, location , location – right prepare for a bit of a moan …. I am suffering a bit with my location at the moment here I am trying to get my scrapping to a higher level and get my name out there and I am constantly stuck with a location barrier – you see scrapping although getting bigger in Ireland isn’t big news yet and I am getting published in English magazines but due to postage problems getting my layouts to a deadline is getting hard (make that nigh on impossible !!) also they don’t pay at all unless you are on the design team which is so hard to get into for a blow in like me .
As for American magazines and competitions they will except stuff from England and Wales but forget it if you are in Ireland they don’t want to know 😦
the only thing keeping me going is hard headed determination and this view from my scraproom window !!

Okay I know I should stop moaning right now and just work harder LOL

Finding Balance – I actually designed a class on this for the weekend crop as I have been finding it very hard to balance my life at the moment.
I want to scrap but feel guilty, I do housework but not enough to be honest !!
I try and balance my two daughters who want equal amount of attention and I want not to be tired and ratty by the time my poor hubby gets home.
I was never good at organizing things and I seem stretched to the max and people assume because I am a WAHM that I have nothing better to do and my list of errands is getting longer by the day – something has to give somewhere and I think I will have to learn the fine art of say NO!! Now to actually put that into practice would be good.

I have just spent a completely mad exhausting weekend scrapping at a crop down in Tullamore but it was a crop with a difference all our group are members of UKscrappers and we got together to do the cybercrop which is on twice a year – basically it was an online crop and it is bedlam but it was such fun – I haven’t laughed so much in ages and I did manage to get some layouts finished.
I did 5 classes (well six if you count the one I was asked to design πŸ™‚ ) although not one of my layouts looks like the orginal class – I used them as a springboard and I am pleased with the ones I did and I have two favourites

This one of Becca with lush Christina Cole ( which I confess looks nothing like the class really !!)

and the one at the top which was a hadcutting class which I went a bit mad on πŸ™‚ but I love it.

Sometimes you need a bit of a push to scrap and the cybercrop gave me that.

Also I won a competetion with one of my layout which was brilliant – especially as it was by vote

so a great weekend for me – hope this week is as good !!