When Kids Surprise you

Who da thunk it ?? Okay seriously does anyone else have kids that are a mystery to them ??
Becca walked in from school four weeks ago saying she needed football boots and she was accepted onto the football team.
That one threw me a bit after all Becca is not really the most athletic type to be honest , Horse riding and Ballet have been the only things she is into but I know they do a lot of soccer in school and just thought it was an in school thing.
So when she casually mentioned she had a match this week – I thought again it must be a minor school match.
But it wasn’t it was a soccer blitz for the whole county and They won all of their matches and took the title !!
Not only that but Becca scored 3 goals – THREE ( okay I have been told off for not getting my facts straight it was 3 goals in one match and 8 in total )

They are off to the Provincial finals in May.

Did I mention Becca doesn’t do sports !!??

Just when I think I might have a handle on my kids they throw me for a loop every time.

If Caitlin comes home next week and tells me she is doing karate I will not bat an eyelid !!

The Vomitting Bug has hit the house

Well the beginning of last week started well enough – see Caitlin looked well and happy enough while posing on Monday ( Jennie’s Birthday) but by Wednesday the dreaded Vomiting bug had hit our house and Caitlin was the first to go down.

By the way I am not that cruel a Mammy this picture was taken on Saturday when she was tired but feeling better – I might be obsessed with the camera but even I won’t take pictures of THAT.
By Thursday afternoon Becca had to be collected from school too – it was just great fun .
Luckily the baby although not feeling the best because of her teeth seems to have managed to avoid the illness plaguing the other two and she got to play outside in the garden which she loved – even trying to eat the flowers didn’t seem to bother her tummy thank goodness.
The bug seemed to last 48 hours with both the girls which was a good thing for Becca as she had her first riding lesson this weekend at a new riding school and to say she was a little excited is an understatement.

While off sick all she did was read every book she owns on horses, trust me when I say this pile is only a fraction of what she has on her shelves. Friday I caught her her in her riding gear again – just check it still fit apparently !!
The lesson was on Saturday and she had a ball, it was mostly an assessment to see what level she was at but I noticed a difference in her riding , she is sitting correctly and listening more,she definitely is more confident now and rode well on Quest the pony she was allocated.

She is so happy to have finally found a school and can’t wait for next week ( I know because she keeps mentioning it every two minutes to anyone that will listen !)
I too managed to avoid the worst of the bug as only a Mammy can and actually got some more scrapping done.
This layout was done using the new Studio Calico kit which popped through my door last week.

Oh and my crafty tendencies seems to be rubbing off on the kids as Becca made me some paper flowers to brighten up my scrap area, aren’t they pretty ? She even decorated a bottle to put them in.

Happy Birthday Little Sis

First things first – Happy Birthday to my lovely little sister Jennie, the poor thing is stuck at work but I hope they are being nice to her because she totally deserves it.

What other news do I have for you? Well Becca had her Science fair at school unfortunately as there are a lot of school kids in the pictures I can’t really share but this is a very cropped picture of her demonstrating her project on measuring and comparing lung capacity !!

Caitlin of course obliged and posed for me while watching her sister at work and even Rachel came with us she liked the fish tank in the school though and so picture taking had to stop to wrangle the wee one back into her buggy.

The little monkey is currently sitting on my knee as I type on this blog, she is watching, in a small corner of the computer screen, the video of her walking which she loves – she waves at the “baby” and gets very excited when it is on.

I took this picture of my techno girls this week – Caitlin on her DS while her sister is playing a video for Rachel on the computer we are such geeks in this house really.

I have been scrapping too I have finished my projects for Creativity Life and have been playing for myself instead. I made this layout with stuff from an older Studio Calico kit – my new kit arrived this week too I think I might actually have too much stuff if that is actually possible for a scrapbooker.

Happy Birthday Mum

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM ๐Ÿ™‚ I have been dying to post as Mum who is doing a computer course now has mastered the art of the internet but blogger has been acting up on me and losing my posts – so finally Mum I love you so much and am so thankful for you everyday and I miss you so much being so far away xxx

I took this in secret at the wedding ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope she doesn’t mind but I think she looks fab she always looks so stylish and classy – how she ended up with a daughter like me I will never know !
I also took pictures of Jennie – she to was looking fab and kindly posed while I practised like a women possessed with this camera of mine before the big day.

I have noticed that all the sites that I have bookmarked recently on my travels about the web are photography site – and even though the wedding is over I still can’t stop check what I could have done better and there is a VERY long list growing but I suppose know the difference is I can see what the mistakes were.
Honestly there are so many inspiring sites out there and I stalk most of them hoping by some form of web osmosis that some of the inspiration and knowledge will filter through and I will finally “get it !”
As for scrapping well all I have done recently has been for work so I can’t share yet but I have just seen the sneak of the magazine Becks is working on and WOW I was blown away by it ! It is looking fantastic and I am glad to be part of it, no matter what others might say.
I have been using my new Basic grey to do one of my final assignments for the Design Collective. it is sad to see it end but hey we had a good run and I am proud of the work I did.

These were for the card sketches – I have found card making to be a wonderful quick way of being creative especially as my time is a bit preoccupied with a little lady who likes to have all my attention !!

I am afraid I am not sharing any more of the wedding pictures until the bride and groom get to see them ๐Ÿ™‚ But I did take this one of the girls just before I headed off to the church .

Finally I leave you with my little springtime flower – the child who is an angel at getting her picture taken, also taken at the castle last week, this kid drives me potty most of the time but if I point a camera she is a good as gold !!

Again Mum – You are the best and I can’t wait to go on our girlie getaway ๐Ÿ™‚